Thursday 21 June 2012

French Lessons

Bonjour Mes Amis

In preparation for my Splendours of Europe adventure, I have started taking a crash course in French.  I know I will only be in Paris for three days.  But IT’S THREE DAYS IN PARIS! 

Eight middle aged women warm up the cold and deserted TAFE building each Tuesday evening to laugh and learn some conversational French from the calm and patient  Jake from Ile Maurice.  Mauritius. 

Marion, a school teacher, recounted her experience in France when she asked a local lady for directions to the post office.  The derisive laughing response from Madame when Marion asked “Ooo ay la post” guaranteed that Marion’s future questions would always be in English.  Jake assures us this will not happen after practising our accents with him.  I hope he’s right.

Jake teaches us the words we will need for shopping in France.  Acheter - to buy, l’echarpe  - the scarf, la chemise, les chausseurs, la boucle d’oreille – the earring.  He makes us recite the numbers every week to ensure the prices come easily to mind.  He knows his audience well!

Our homework is to prepare conversations in French for presentation to the class.  Initially, it was a simple dialogue – Bonjour, je m’appelle Julie.  Ou est Le Moulin Rouge?  Asking directions.

Next, it was booking a table at a restaurant and ordering food.  Bon Appetit! 

Maureen and Linda met at a local coffee shop this week to prepare their latest script about their fictitious trip to France.   They argued and laughed raucously about every little detail.  The cost of their hotel – 895 Euros par jourTrop cher!  Does it have a view of La Tour Eiffel?  Should they go to Fontainebleau (because Madeline went there) or Versailles?  The verbs, the pronunciations, the masculines and feminines.  The patrons at the café eventually approached them, curious to know what all the frivolity was about.  What could possibly keep two women entertained for four hours, with so much laughter and no alcohol?

Why, French lessons of course!

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