Thursday 26 July 2012


Germans are proud people with a great sense of humour.  It has been a pleasure to spend the last five days  cruising the Rhine and Mein Rivers, immersing ourselves in culture, history, food and having a brief introduction to the German people.

Many of the towns and villages along the way were first settled by the Romans and Celts 2000 years ago but have a long history of being destroyed by warring armies.   The bishops who ruled each town in the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries built enormous fortresses and ostentatious residences, of which the townspeople were extremely proud; although the Australian tourists today find it difficult to fathom such garish extravagance in the face of the poverty-stricken masses.    

The Germans are not proud to have started World War II and do not blame the allies for destroying up to 95 percent of some of these ancient towns and cities.

One city that was spared however was Rothenburg, superbly sited above the charming Tauber Valley, whose citizens surrendered in 1945 in order to save their beautiful city from destruction.  Today it is one of Europe’s most perfectly preserved medieval cities.  

Walking within the city walls it is easy to imagine life in the Middle Ages.

Rothenburg’s Market Square is dominated by its magnificent City Hall (Rathaus), a harmonious blend of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque architecture.  

The half-timbered houses, indicative of many of the towns in this region, were built around 1500.

Today, the Rothenburg people are proud to offer visitors their Bavarian beer, Franconian wine and their famous “snowballs (schneeballs) – thin layers of pastry rolled into a ball, deep fried and covered with icing sugar or chocolate glaze.

All cakes and pastries are served with frothy whipped cream which "is safe to eat as all the calories have been whipped out of it!"

Well, I'm feeling rather whipped myself now so...

Gute Nacht für heute.



  1. again such beauty and history we just have no idea.

  2. again WOW
