Monday 23 July 2012


This morning we visited the oldest city in Germany, first settled in 38BC - Cologne. 

Dominating this city of 1 million people is Cologne Cathedral, a magnificent example of gothic architecture which took 631 years to construct. 

It was the only building in Cologne to survive World War II although bullet holes can be clearly seen in the sandstone facade.  

In Altstadt, the old town, the people of Cologne have rebuilt their city to replicate the original style.

The beautiful summer weather has followed us and we see people in caravans and tents holidaying along the Rhine, enjoying the beaches.  The clean waters flowing from melting ice upstream in Switzerland might be appealing to the Germans but we Australians prefer our water a little warmer than 8 degrees before  swimming!

I'd better go and make sure Mum hasn't got into any more trouble.  Last night, I found her in the lounge providing the entertainment, dancing with other women's husbands and singing "My Way".

Auf Wiedersehen for now.

1 comment:

  1. wow the buildings are beautiful.
    and go mum :)

